Web 2.0

In the scheme of things web 2.0 was a breakthrough of an exploding takeover of the web, and everyday living. With the enhancement and creation of pop-up applications and social network sites, the web was soon to be seen as  the sharing and collaboration of universal information online, as a step up of the next generation web 'surfing'. Being more functional, interactive and applicable in more areas of social as well as responsive interfaces in the new age lifestyle, of the world wide web.
Examples of these are as follow;


Facebook is a social networking site that has been developed to allow users to communicate instantly on a global level, share photographs, comments and likes/dislikes. This is made possible through commenting all user 'walls', sending private messages, uploading images and finding games in the site tab on the left. Depending on how much the user wants to show, their personal information about them is published for every friend too see, according to the fixed settings.


Twitter is much like facebook, although it can be seen as a 'mini blog'. It's main feature is too distinguish what the user is doing by creating posts whenever necessary, acting like a step by step list of what the user has done/ or is going to do during the day or week, and how they are feeling. It allows other friends to comment there posts, and leaves room for discussions and debates.


Youtube is a global video sharing website. It allows users to upload videos of themselves or others by a simple click of the button. In order to do this, it is important to sign up, and start sharing.
Youtube allows users to comment other videos that they either like or dislike, or just want to share an opinion, users can also subscribe to their favorite channels and videos, as this would notify them of recent uploads of their subscription.


Digg is a community site which keeps users up to date with interesting stories and sites, from anywhere on the web. The range of interactivity starts from articles, to images and videos, sharing and discovering new and amusing information. The key factor of Digg is the widely accredited use of community scope and sharing, allowing for any user to find something unique and interesting, which has the possibility to be the next big thing on the web.